Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Beer Irony

Oh, sweet and precious free time, where dost thou go?!

Not much work getting done on the bicycle these days.  I am not half way done with the snow bike, and I already have my next frameset project figured; a road bike for Jessica.

I have, however, at least made some good headway on a fork jig that will be able to accommodate both regular forks, suspension corrected forks, and fattie snow bike forks with 135 o.l.d. spacing.  I'll get some photos posted of that when it is finished.

Things that have been taking up my free time include (but are not limited to) learning about raising chickens in my yard, scheming on expanding my garden, and of course, homebrewing.  Here is an Imperial Stout I brewed up in July of '10.  I just bottled it a week ago.  It is blacker than black, thick as motor oil, and as my friend Angela says, "It's like taking a drink of earth."  It is certainly a sipping beer, but dang is it tasty!

Beer Irony

Imperial Stout in a Schlitz glass.  Isn't it ironic, don't you think?

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